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DR O and the ECO-X Page 10
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Attorneys who could get into the action were euphoric. It smelled of sweet greenbacks in the millions. Some dreamed of retirement, others of clearing up back alimony payments, some would pay off gambling debts, etc etc etc.
Eventually legal panels, attorneys on both sides and the combatants decided to appeal to the Attorney General for help. They sent represenatives of each group to DC for a conference with the AG. It looked like a legal minefield to him. They figured out a way to spread the responsibility among federal and state courts by creating a legal panel representing all of them. Provided they could convince the complainants to agree to abide by whatever decision the panel mandated.
Eventually a large chamber at the naval base in San Diego was outfitted to accommodate the panel of five judges and the combatants. A schedule of presenting the various and conflicting views of the ECO-X by the grieving parties was agreed upon. Another schedule was set up for the witnesses to be called from the EPA, WAMI,Miracle Pictures, US coast guard and experienced harvesters who had worked with the creatures. Despite his protestations Dr O the creator was to be a witness for WAMI.
Joe was very concerned about Dr. O ’s depression over the many events concerning his creatures in which he was powerless to protect them.. For his part, the fight was on to rescue the ECO-X from exploitation by the greedy pigs. Joes energies were now directed to preparing for action in the coming legal battle.
Joe went to see Dr. O about his defense of the ECO-X. “I’m very worried about you. It’s difficult to understand why you wouldn’t fight for the ECO-X’s future. Maybe you don’t realize if the EPA directive reversing their original classification of the creatures is upheld,your dream is lost. If they stay as nothing but destructive insects it would be impossible to protect them.
‘ ECO-X will be hunted and exterminated because of the millions of dollars in damages they created. It puts them into a class that is hard to fight since the stark figures have been filed with the panel of judges. Don’t you get it? You fight for your dream or lose everything you have worked for in the last twenty years.”
Dr. O had a startled look as if Joe had slapped him hard to wake him up. It finally sunk into his troubled mind that he had nearly forgotten the issue-was the existance of his beloved creatures. He now realized how much he needed Joe to help him out of the legal mess. He said to Joe.
“You have rescued me again Joe. I couldn’t ask for a better friend than you. What do you have in mind?” They worked together, experienced veterans of the many battles caused by the creation of a unique creature. There was so much potential good in their existence to clean up the world’s huge plastic problem. It had to be fought for no matter what the cost. They assembled the facts that couldn’t be challenge. Joe added a blockbuster. Chapter Eighteen
Stage One
On one side of the large auditorium was the EPA and Miracle Pictures contingent. Long tables were laden down with files and strewn around papers. EPA had its own expert witnesses sitting at the tables and a team of attorneys. Miracle Pictures had a platoon of legal beagles, and a number of unknown people. In addition the director of the ECO-X thriller and its producer were there with some other studio executives.
Across the aisle WAMI had their executives, attorneys and some of the harvesting crew members. The US Coast Guard group looked puny compared to the other participants. There was the captain in charge of the government’s oversight of the CRAP project and one uniformed attorney from their legal department.
Almost as lean as the coast guard was Joe, Dr. O and one lawyer to guard O’s patent rights of the ECO-X as his unique property. This was no ordinary attorney but a notorious, contentious fighter named, Rocky (rock’em sock’em) Rowlands. More than one state bar association wanted to take away his right to practice in their state. It was only talk they were afraid of the damage Rocky might do defending himself. He was a canny, shrewd man with what seemed to be a bottomless pit of information about almost everyone. It was scary indeed and no one had any intention of leading the charge and come under Rocky’s expert scrutiny. Better to just hate him from afar.
This legal squabble naturally got the attention of everyone in the country. Media complained loudly about the panel of judges’ decision to keep the hearing a closed conference . No one from the outside could attend. Still, the media tribe was parked in front of the auditorium alert for any scrap of information the could glean from any source.
The rest of the dense crowd were the curious public and some hustling vendors. One vendor stood out because he had representations of the ECO-X for sale. It hardly resembled the real creatures. To be dramatic the teeth of the toys were greatly extended so it looked more like a tiger with wings. The deluxe model could be wound up and fly for a short distance. He sold out within an hour.
Stage Two First up to bat was the Miracle Pictures/EPA contingent. Seated at a long table were the five judges who opened the hearing. The film company was relying heavily on the government agency to argue their reasons for reversing their original decision. They expected the agency to bully the detractors by flexing its powers and make short work of this silly proceeding.
What they got was a director of the EPA addressing the judges in a subdued voice and apologizing for being a part of the current situation. His team went into action recapping the events that led to this crisis. Then piles of documents were offered defending their decision
Miracle Pictures team was upset when one EPA official after another presented arguments for keeping the status quo. Their speeches were uniformly loaded with weasel words, like “however” “apparently” “it appears to be” “but” “subject to oversight” “careful studies” and on and on. In essence they said nothing, hoping all of their documents would work to shed themselves of any responsibility.
Without a solid foundation for their declarations Miracle Pictures attorneys were left hanging in mid air. Basically, they echoed what the EPA had given the panel. All five of the judges were wondering why they were there. At this point lesser legal lights dug into the EPA documents to prepare brief-briefs for the judges. They had no intention of reading a single page presented by the EPA, only the briefs. They uniformly agreed to making this mess as short as possible.
There was a parade of interested parties testifying about various activities of the ECO-X of a destructive nature. There were Disneyland executives, a number of city officials whose cities had experienced damage to property. In addition Miracle Pictures executives and film crew members added personal experiences with the creatures. They all declared ECO-X were uncontrollabe, destructive and well, they acted like insects. It required two days to hear witnesses and peruse the attorney briefs. Already the panel of judges were numb from all of the information.
Rocky Rowlands then had the right to examine the witnesses. He was not a subtle man and he tore into the witnesses with zeal. At one point he was sweating from his physical footwork as he move toward, then away from the witnesses. Then Rocky removed his suit jacket and flung it over his shoulder. The garment landed on the head of a federal judge who flailed away trying to get the jacket off of his head. He had been somewhat shocked when he was suddenly plunged into blackness.
A court guard quickly came forward and removed the jacket. When he could see again Rocky was standing in front of him sans jacket. He glared at the attorney and waited for an immediate, heart felt apology. No such act of humility came from Rocky who returned to his witness as if nothing at all had happened.
Joe was horrified by the unsettling scene in front of him thinking to himself, man, our defense has to be very strong. He was sure the judge now held a certain amount of prejudice against them. Rocky’s agitated examination of the witnesses caused numerous objections from the opposing attorneys. Their side now appeared to be led by a crude, street fighter who continued to plow ahead.
Here are several excerpts from the examinations. Rocky: Why did you steal a swarm of ECO-X from a warehouse? Surely you knew Dr. O. Soozana as the inventor held a
patent on the creatures?
Wun Hung Lo: Only way to use them for our horror movie. Lawyer said we could take them without trouble.
Rocky: I don’t believe a lawyer, unless he is crooked would advise you to break into a warehouse and steal the creatures. Maybe you haven’t heard that trespassing and stealing are criminal acts? We will press charges. Wun Hung Lo: Oh no creatures are insects of no value. Rocky: Don’t bet on it Lo or Hung or whatever. Next up was the famous horror movie director. Rocky: You are listed as the director of the horror movie. No name listed here. What do they call you?
Fuc yu to: Name is Fuc Yu To.
Rocky: What? he asked dumfounded.
Fuc Yu To: Is name sir, Fuc Yu To.
Before Rocky could get to the director, a Miracle executive blocked him. He quickly explained.
“Mr. Rowlands he’s not being rude it’s his real name.” It was tense for a few minutes as Rocky calmed down and realized that oriental names could sound bizarre to Americans.They all wondered what lay ahead of them when WAMI, the US Coast Guard and Dr. O had their turn in the legal battle.
Stage Three
SAMI’s attorneys were experts by now after all of the lawsuits the ECO-X’s property damage had caused. Their briefs were already filed with the clerk of the court so only a few witnesses were called for live testimony. One of WAMI’s executives testified for the corporation and the nature of ECO-X as creatures that were trainable. U.S. Coast Guard attorney presented testimony via one of their boat captains. He had been on duty at the CRAP site from the inception of the project. He was thorough and no nonsense in his testimony declaring ECO-X must be considered a hybrid without doubt.
The courtroom was suddenly quiet. Dr. O looked around anxiously for Joe who had assured him everything was arranged. At the front entrence of the courtroom there was the sound of a machine and the two doors were opened to reveal an electric tractor. It was pulling a trailer with a large tank and some equipment. The judges were too stunned to object.
Joe and several of his harvest crew set up the equipment. He walked up to Dr. O and had a short conversation. O nodded his head and stepped onto the trailer next to the tank.
“ My name is Joe Parker and I have been a lab assistant for Dr. Soozana for several years. He had asked me to present his creation and explain things in layman’s terms.”
He opened the metal box and brought out a strange looking insect. It was about five inches long, past that, it was different in every respect from all species inhabiting the planet. The main body was a thick light blue shell, the legs were a bright red. The hind legs resembled those of a grasshopper, and the front appendages were unique, possessing attachments of claws and pincers. It had yellow wings, red antennae and round blue eyes. Suddenly it chirped, startling the crowd. Joe put it in the palm of his hand to show it was a passive creature.
“ Dr. O. has created this animal for the sole purpose of ridding the world of our huge mountains of plastic waste. Eco-X eat petro carbons as its only nourishment. Dr. O. through thousands of mutations has bred it to consume the carbon atoms which is the major component of plastics.
A large round container was wheeled to the center of the auditorium filled with plastic scraps. The assistants opened the metal box. Joe stepped aside for Dr. O. so he could continue on with the lecture when the audience calmed down. They moved on to the actual field demonstration of the plastic eating animal.
The lab assistants brought out one hundred Eco-X. They didn’t have to be coaxed to eat plastic. They dove head first into the plastic and bored holes with their corkscrew snouts. Soon there was a low hum emanating from the container similar to the sound of sawing wood. They watched the level of plastic parts sinking faster and faster as the Eco-X creatures swung into eating their native sustenance. Within fifteen minutes all of the plastic was consumed. There were audible burping sounds coming from the container.
At the bottom of the tank the Eco-X chirped loudly apparently a happy noise for a great meal. It sounded like the chirping of small birds, wrens, warblers etc. in springtime. Around them a vapor cloud formed and floated upward over the courtroom. It rained inside until the cloud was gone. It was all too weird for some who rushed for the exit doors in a panic. They were soaking wet and wondering if these glutinous little beasts might still be hungry.
Dr O. tried to stop the stampede, using the mike.. “Please, please, Eco-X are harmless to everything but plastic, their only food.”
While he was talking, Joe pushed a button on a small gadget he held in his hand recalling the Eco-X to the box. This action pacified the crowd.
Dr O. continued describing Eco-X functions. “I apologize for the brief monsoon, ha ha, but I needed to demonstrate the entire cycle of Eco-X feeding. Petro carbon atoms gone, disintegration of the plastic molecules begins. Hydrogen and oxygen form their natural bond to create water while the other chemicals evaporate harmlessly into the atmosphere. There is no waste residue from their harvesting of plastic, only pure water from the hydrogen/oxygen bond.”
Dr O. took a small device from his pocket like the one Joe had used to recall the Eco-X. “ With this device we have complete control of Eco-X. This little animal is the salvation to rid us of moutains of waste plastic clogging harbors, dumps and littering the entire world with bits of trash. I only ask you to understand these creatures are a gentle species and a boon to the entire world. In no way do they have anything in common with the insect world. I hope our demostration helped you understand the important function the ECO-X can play”
Stunned silence followed as the soggy people digested the significance of the ECO-X and its role. Hardly insects they all thought. Joe literally held his breath looking anxiously reactions. at the panel of judges for a sign of their He had gambled everything on the bold
demonstration which he hoped would put an end to the legal squabbling. It was certainly was worth more than a ton of legal documents.
The auditorium held an air of suspense as the panel of judges remained at their table to discuss what they had just witnessed. Dr. O hoped it was a good sign that the judges hadn’t bothered to leave the courtroom for their discussion.They sat huddled at one end of the table in their wet clothes earnestly talking and looking at the tank of water. It was now pure without any hint of the plastic debris the ECO-X had devoured while twittering happily as they chomped.
Fifteen minutes of discussion was all it took for the five judges to reach their decision. They announced a unanimous agreement about the ECO-X, they were special hybrid animals as outlined in Dr. O’ patent. Without another word they left the courtroom to find dry clothes.
With the debate over about the ECO-X, things began to move rapidly in the legal mess. WAMI was basically the winner. Lawsuits against them went away like melted snow in June. Miracle Pictures was now at the mercy of WAMI. The film company was no slouch at making deals. The $100 million suit was setteled by offering the corporation 50% of the profits of the horror movie.
They also spent a bunch of money on public advertising to apologize to the movie goers for their erronius depiction of ECO-X as blood thirsty monsters. In addition they withdrew their fake government trailer proclaiming the animals were considered a dangerous pest. All of these legal battles renewed the public’s interest in the horror movie and it took off at the box office for another round of big money. As a bonus WAMI agreed to allow the studio to use ECO-X in their follow up sequel.
Dr.O was now worth millions in damages from the infringement on his ECO-X patent. Hardest hit by him was his would-be partner WAMI but in close second place was Miracle Pictures. But, he didn’t have to fight for the money since both parties were rolling in it.
A month later at the CRAP site one of the harvesting crew boats sped quickly to the ECO-X base tooting its fog horn. Joe had returned to the project. He heard the blasting horn and thought, oh man, not another disaster! For once he was wrong about the excitement.
One of his managers jumped onto Joe’s boat with tears in his
eyes. He yelled to him. “ Oh Lord! The CRAP project is finished. It’s all gone! Having all of the creatures working together tripled our production!”
Joe stared at him suspiciously about the wild announcement. He got up close and smelled the manager’s breath. He was sober.
Joe immediately called Dr. O at his lab to give him the miraculous news. Then he contacted the US Coast Guard. The following day a coast guard ship carried Dr.O and the whole harvesting crew over the entire project site. There hadn’t been any clean ocean in the area in years. Joe ordered that the ECO-X be let loose in the middle area of the project. They came in a huge swarm and circled around looking for food. A fleet of helicopters came into view and dropped a load of plastic toys for them.
Within an hour the feast was over. Joe signalled their return. Instead of returning to the boats the ECO-X gathered into a huge swarm. Joe paniced fearing something had gone wrong again. The creatures circled high above them and formed a large ball-like fist, then a single column rose up over the mass. They were being given the finger. No one would ever know whether it was a rude gesture or that the creatures thought it was a friendly wave.
Pam idled her cruiser into the dock in Hawaai where she and Joe first met. Having been told a party was brewing at the bar she came. Sitting at a table was Joe rapidly changing his consciousness with wild abandon. As she came near he stood up unsteadily, grinned at her, and asked.
“Would you care to dance while I still can?”